LAB-1: Installing and Configuring Satellite Server
In this lab, we will perform a Red Hat Satellite Server installation from an ISO image and complete its initial configuration. Before starting installation and configuration, let's perform the pre-requisites like the configuration of local repository and DNS services.
Create Local Repository
First, let's create a local repository for RHEL-7. Mount the Red Hat 7 ISO image on /mnt folder.
[root@sat01 ~]#mount
/dev/cdrom /mnt/
Install the VSFTP package.
~]# rpm -ivh /mnt/Packages/vsftpd-3.0.2-25.el7.x86_64.rpm
Enable and start VSFTP service.
~]# systemctl start vsftpd
~]# systemctl enable vsftpd
Create folder to store RHEL-7 packages.
pub]# mkdir /var/ftp/pub/repo/
pub]# cd /var/ftp/pub/repo/
Copy the packages in the repo folder.
Copy the packages in the repo folder.
repo]# cp -ruv /mnt/* .
Configure DNS Services
Install DNS packages.
[root@sat01 ~]#yum
install bind bind-utils.
Update the DNS configuration file.
[root@sat01 ~]#vi /etc/named.conf
Add the IP address of the host machine to the listen-on port:
options {
port 53 {;; };
### Add the ip-address host machine.
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";
allow-query-cache { localhost;; }; ### Add the
ip-address host machine.
Create the below zone entry.
zone "" IN {
allow-update { none; };
zone "" IN {
allow-update { none; };
Create forward zone and update the below value.
[root@sat01 grub2]# cat /var/named/forward.sat01
@ IN
10 ; serial
1D ; refresh
1H ; retry
1W ; expire
) ; minimum
sat01 IN A
cdn01 IN A
[root@sat01 grub2]#
Create reverse zone and update the below value.
[root@sat01 grub2]# cat /var/named/reverse.sat01
@ IN
0 ; serial
1D ; refresh
1H ; retry
1W ; expire
) ; minimum
110 IN PTR
111 IN PTR
[root@sat01 grub2]#
Enable and start DNS service.
[root@sat01 ~]#systemctl start named
[root@sat01 ~]#systemctl enable named
Open port on the firewall for DNS, VSFTP and make is permanent.
[root@sat01 ~]#firewall-cmd --add-service=dns
[root@sat01 ~]#firewall-cmd --add-service=dns --permanent
[root@sat01 ~]#firewall-cmd --add-service=ftp
[root@sat01 ~]#firewall-cmd --add-service=ftp --permanent
Mount the Red Hat Satellite ISO image and install the Satellite packages.
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/
[root@sat01 ~]#cd /mnt/
[root@sat01 mnt]# ./install_packages
This script will install the satellite packages on the
current machine.
- Ensuring we
are in an expected directory.
- Copying
installation files.
- Creating a
Repository File
- Creating
RHSCL Repository File
- Creating
sat-maintenance Repository File
- Checking to
see if Satellite is already installed.
- Importing
the gpg key.
- Installation
repository will remain configured for future package installs.
- Installation
media can now be safely unmounted.
Install is complete. Please run satellite-installer
--scenario satellite
[root@sat01 mnt]#
Unmount the installation media.
[root@sat01 mnt]# cd
[root@sat01 ~]# umount /mnt/
Perform the initial configuration of the Satellite
Server. Execute the satellite-installer script, specifying satellite as the
scenario, admin as the administrator username and redhat as the password. The
script will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
[root@sat01 ~]#satellite-installer --scenario satellite --foreman-admin-username admin --foreman-admin-password redhat
* Satellite is
running at
credentials are admin / redhat
* To install an
additional Capsule on separate machine continue by running:
capsule-certs-generate --foreman-proxy-fqdn "$CAPSULE"
--certs-tar "/root/$CAPSULE-certs.tar"
* To upgrade an
existing 6.4 Capsule to 6.5:
Please see
official documentation for steps and parameters to use when upgrading a 6.4
Capsule to 6.5.
The full log is
at /var/log/foreman-installer/satellite.log
yum install -y -q rh-mongodb34-syspaths finished
[root@sat01 media]#
Open ports on firewall for Red Hat Satellite and make is
[root@sat01 ~]#firewall-cmd --add-service=RH-Satellite-6
[root@sat01 ~]#firewall-cmd --add-service=RH-Satellite-6 --permanent
Connect to the Satellite Server web UI by entering the
URL,, in your web browser. Accept the
self-signed certificate and log in with the username of admin and the password
LAB-2: Create Red Hat Content Delivery Network Channels
In this lab, we will create CDN (Content Delivery Network) Channels to sync with Red-Hat Satellite since we are not going to connect our Red Hat Satellite server to internet.
1. Login to cdn01 server & Install httpd package.
[root@cdn01 ~]##yum
install httpd
[root@cdn01 ~]#
mkdir -p /var/www/html/pub/cdn/
Recursively copy the contents of the ISO image to the
[root@cdn01 rhel6]#
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/
[root@cdn01 rhel6]#cp
-ruv /mnt/* /var/www/html/pub/cdn/
[root@cdn01 rhel6]#
umount /mnt/
Below are ISO which we are going to use for creating CDN.
Now we will create new repository with name optrpms.
[root@cdn01 ~]# mv optrpms.tar.gz /var/www/html/pub/
Install createrepo package on cdn01
[root@cdn01 pub]# yum install createrepo
[root@cdn01 pub]# cd /var/www/html/pub/
Untar file in /var/www/html/pub/
[root@cdn01 pub]# tar -zxvf optrpms.tar.gz
Create repository using createrepo command for optrpms packages.
[root@cdn01 pub]# createrepo -v /var/www/html/pub/optrpms
Now we will create new repository with name optrpms.
[root@cdn01 ~]# mv optrpms.tar.gz /var/www/html/pub/
Install createrepo package on cdn01
[root@cdn01 pub]# yum install createrepo
[root@cdn01 pub]# cd /var/www/html/pub/
Untar file in /var/www/html/pub/
[root@cdn01 pub]# tar -zxvf optrpms.tar.gz
Create repository using createrepo command for optrpms packages.
[root@cdn01 pub]# createrepo -v /var/www/html/pub/optrpms
[root@cdn01 rhel6]# systemctl start httpd
[root@cdn01 rhel6]# systemctl enable httpd
[root@cdn01 rhel6]# firewall-cmd --add-service http
[root@cdn01 rhel6]# firewall-cmd --add-service http --permanent
Lab-3: Importing Manifest and Sync Repository
1. Log into the Satellite Server web UI as the admin user with the password of redhat.
2. Click Content >Red Hat Subscriptions, then click
the Manage Manifest button.
3. Click the edit icon next to Red Hat CDN URL, enter
, and click the Save button.
4. Click the browse button to select the manifest_skath-satellite-test_20190927T095242Z
manifest file and then click on upload button to install
5. Click the Content >Red Hat Repositories, then the
RPMs tab.
6. Search for below repository and click then expand on enable.
Red Hat Satellite 6.5 for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64
Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.5 for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64 7Server
Red Hat Satellite Capsule 6.5 for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64
7. Navigate to Content >Sync Status, then click the Expand All link. Click the checkbox repository enabled then click the Synchronize Now button
to begin the repository synchronization. The Sync Status page will then begin
displaying the status of the synchronization.
8. Create optrpm repository by click on Content > Product > Repo Discovery
9. Update "The URL to Discover" with and click on discover.
10. Create New Content View and update the repository and publish it.
Lab-4: Registering the client in Red Hat Satellite.
Using the Satellite Server instance which was installed previously
on,install the provided manifest, configure it for the
locally provided CDN (content delivery network), and then enable and
synchronize the required repositories. Finally, register the client, cap01., attach it to the provided subscription, as well as add it to the
Ops Servers host collection.
Prepare the client for registration to the Satellite
Server GUI.
1. Log into the client system,, as
the root user.
2. Verify that the subscription-manager, and yum
packages are installed on the Satellite client,
[root@cap01 ~]# rpm
-q subscription-manager yum
[root@cap01 ~]#
3. Download and install a copy of the CA Certificate
from the following URL on the Satellite Server:
[root@cap01 ~]#yum -y localinstall
5. Register the client to the Satellite Server.
5.1. Clear old registration data from the system.
[root@cap01 ~]# subscription-manager clean
5.2. Register the system to the Operations organization
on the Satellite Server. Enter the authentication information for the admin
user on the Satellite Server when prompted for username and password.
[root@cap01 ~]# # subscription-manager register --org=Default_Organization
Username: admin
Password: redhat
Environment: Library
Environment: Library
6. Verify the
client registration in the Satellite web UI.
6.1. Log into the Satellite web UI as the admin user.
6.2. Click Hosts >Content Hosts. Your newly registered
client should appear in the table of content hosts.
7. Set the release
version for the content host.
7.1. On the Content Hosts page, click the
entry in the table of content hosts.
7.2. Click the Details tab.
7.3. Under the Content Host Content section, select 7 Server
for the Release Version.
7.4. Click the Save button.
8. Attach the
client to the provided subscription.
8.1. Click the Subscriptions tab and select
8.2. Add the subscription by selecting its corresponding
checkbox under the Add tab then click the Add Selected button.
9. Assign the
client to the Ops Servers host collection.
9.1. On the Content Host detail page, click the Host Collections
9.2. Click the Add tab, and select the checkbox next to
Ops Servers.
9.3. Click the Add Selected button.
10. Modify the
product content enable setting for the Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 (For RHEL
7Server)(RPMs) repository.
10.1. On the Content Host detail page, click the Product
Content tab.
10.2.Click the plus sign to the left of the Red Hat
Enterprise Linux Server product to expand it.
10.3.Click the edit icon next to the Enabled? setting for
the Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 (For
RHEL 7 Server)(RPMs) repository.
10.4.Select Override to Yes option from the dropdown menu.
10.5.Click the Save button.
11. Install
Katello Agent on the client system.
11.1. As root on, refresh the
client's subscription status.
[root@cap01 ~]# subscription-manager
[root@cap01 ~]#subscription-manager list --available
[root@cap01 ~]#subscription-manager attach --pool=402882ee70285dd90170296f4526008d
[root@cap01 ~]#subscription-manager attach --pool=402882ee70285dd90170296f4526008d
11.2. Verify that the Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 (For
RHEL 7 Server)(RPMs) repository is now
enabled on the client.
[root@cap01 ~]#
subscription-manager repos --list
Available Repositories in
Repo ID: rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.5-rpms
Repo Name: Red Hat
Satellite Tools 6.5 (for RHEL 7 Server) (RPMs)
Repo URL:
Enabled: 1
[root@cap01 ~]#
[root@cap01 ~]#subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.5-rpms
[root@cap01 ~]#subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.5-rpms
11.3. Install the katello-agent package.
~]# yum install -y katello-agent
12. The client is now successfully registered.
To prepare for the
next exercise, un register the client using the following command. After the
system has been unregistered, reset
[root@cap01 ~]#
subscription-manager unregister
Unregistering from:
System has been
[root@cap01 ~]#
Satellite client registrations
keys are defined within an organizational context. Therefore, an organization
must be
selected to access the Activation Key page
in the Satellite web UI.
To create an activation key, execute the following steps in the Satellite web UI as the Satellite admin user.
To create an activation key, execute the following steps in the Satellite web UI as the Satellite admin user.
Click Any Context >Any Organization >Default_Organization from the
menu in the top-left corner
to enter the Default_Organization
Click Content >Activation Keys.
Click the New Activation Key button.
Enter a name for the activation key in the Name field
Check or uncheck the Unlimited Content Hosts checkbox
to indicate whether or not to limit the
number of hosts that can use the activation key. If unchecked, enter the number
of hosts to
allow in the Limit field.
Enter a description for the activation key in the Description field.
Select the Environment and
Content View to
associate the activation key to.
Click the Save button
to finalize the creation of the activation key.
Automated client registration with activation keys
an activation key is created, it can be referenced in the invocation of the subscription manager utility
during client registration to the Satellite Server. Preparation of the client
for registration to the Satellite Server as described previously is still
required. Once preparation has been finished, execute the following steps on
the client system as the root user
to register it to the Satellite Server.
Clear any old registration data from the system.
[root@cap01 ~]#
# subscription-manager clean
Register the system to the organization of your choice on the Satellite Server.
Reference the activation key with the --activation
key flag.
[root@cap01 ~]# subscription-manager register --org
Default_Organization --activationkey OS-key
The system has been registered with ID:
The registered system name is:
Installed Product Current Status:
Product Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
Status: Subscribed
[root@cap01 ~]#
[root@cap01 ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable
Repository 'rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.5-rpms' is enabled for this
Once a client is registered to the Satellite Server, it will gain access to repository
contents. However, administrators will not yet be able to perform package and
errata management on the client from the Satellite web UI. These client
management functions require the installation of the Katello
Agent on the client system.
[root@cap01 ~]# yum install katello-agent
[root@cap01 ~]# systemctl status goferd
Once the client is registered, verify that it appears in the Satellite web UI.
Log into the Satellite web UI as the admin user.
Click Any Context >Any Organization >Default_Organizationf rom the
menu in the top left corner to enter the Default_Organization
context, which the client was registered
Click Hosts >Content Hosts. Your
newly registered client should appear in the table of content hosts.
Lab: 5 Remote Execution of Command through Red Hat Satellite.
Enabling Remote Execution on a Host On the
Satellite Server, distribute the key to the host.
[root@sat01 ~]# ssh-copy-id -i
~foreman-proxy/.ssh/ cap01
INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed:
INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are
already installed
INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to
install the new keys
Number of key(s)
added: 1
Now try logging
into the machine, with: "ssh
and check to
make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.
[root@sat01 ~]#
provides default job templates for executing remote jobs.
- Go to Hosts → All
hosts and click the check box next to the host’s name.
- Click Select Action
and select Schedule Remote Job from the drop-down menu.
- In the Job category
drop-down menu, select Command.
- In the Job template
drop-down menu, select Run-Command SSH Default.
- In the command field,
enter the df -h >> data.
- Select Execute now and click Submit.
Hammer command line CLI.
~]# hammer shell
to the hammer interactive shell.
'help' for usage information.
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 16ms
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 13ms
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 54ms
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 23ms
Status: ok
Server Response: Duration: 4ms
[root@sat01 ~]# hammer --help
Use the following command to create an
$ hammer
organization create --name "org_name" --label "org_label"
--description "org_description"
Starting the httpd Service on Selected
Satellite 6 API Requests on the Command Line
You can
use the curl command to interact with the
Satellite 6 API. For example:
GET Requests
GET requests to list organizations, hosts, and users within Satellite 6.
# SATUSER=admin
# SATPASS='redhat'
# curl -k -u $SATUSER:$SATPASS -X GET -H 'Accept:
application/json' $SATURL/api/v2/organizations | json_reformat
# curl -k -u $SATUSER:$SATPASS -X GET -H 'Accept:
application/json' $SATURL/api/v2/hosts | json_reformat
# curl -k -u $SATUSER:$SATPASS -X GET -H 'Accept:
application/json' $SATURL/api/v2/users | json_reformat
# curl -k -u $SATUSER:$SATPASS -X GET -H 'Accept:
application/json' $SATURL/api/v2/users/test-user | json_reformat
DELETE Request
example DELETE request to remove an existing user with known ID "9"
based on a previous list of users.
#curl -k -u $SATUSER:$SATPASS -X DELETE -H 'Accept:
application/json' $SATURL/api/v2/users/test-user | json_reformat
POST Request
example POST request to create a new user called example, passing the true flag to enable administrator privileges for the
# curl -k -u $SATUSER:$SATPASS -X POST -d '{ "mail":
"root@localhost", "firstname": "Example", "lastname":
"User", "login": "example", "password":
"redhat", "admin": 'true', "auth_source_id": 1 }'
-H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
$SATURL/api/v2/users/ | json_reformat
PUT Request
example PUT request to change the email address of the existing example
user with known ID "10" to example@localhost.
# curl -k -u $SATUSER:$SATPASS -X PUT -d '{
"id": 6, "mail":
"example@localhost" }' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type:
application/json' $SATURL/api/v2/users/example | json_reformat
Lab:6 Troubleshooting.
Start and stop of Red Hat satellite service.
[root@sat01 ~]# katello-service status
[root@sat01 ~]# katello-service stop
[root@sat01 ~]# katello-service start
Logs are stored in /var/log folders.
Satellite Backup
Satellite Server or a Capsule Server backup is a collection of archived
database and configuration files that you can use to restore or debug Satellite
or Capsule. Use the foreman-maintain
backup utility
to create a backup.
Types of backup
Without Pulp content
Create a
backup from Logical Volume Manager (LVM) snapshots. Satellite or Capsule is
offline while creating snapshots.
The foreman-maintain backup utility creates the backup in a
time-stamped subdirectory in the directory that you specify. You can provide a
different name for the subdirectory using the --preserve-directory option. If you use the --preserve-directory option, the subdirectory is not cleaned up when
the backup fails.
For a
Satellite or Capsule configured to use remote databases, the utility performs a
database dump when performing offline or snapshot backup.
Full Backup
A full
Satellite or Capsule Server backup contains all the database and configuration
files required to restore a Satellite or a Capsule instance.
A full
backup contains the following files:
- Compressed configuration
- Compressed MongoDB files
- Compressed PostgreSQL
database files
- Pulp directory files
- A configuration file
containing Satellite environment details
During a
full backup, the files are copied and then compressed, therefore enough storage
to hold both is required. Additionally, metadata files created during archiving
and compression require extra space.
A full
backup of Satellite or Capsule requires an amount of storage that is equal to
the sum of the following:
- Satellite databases and
configuration files size
- Compressed Satellite
databases and configuration files size
- 20% of the sum of the
uncompressed and compressed databases and configuration files sizes
Estimating the Size of a Full Backup
estimate the backup size, find the total space used by the database and
configuration files. Use this result to calculate the backup size.
- Find the size of the
database and configuration files using the du command:
# du -csh /var/lib/mongodb /var/lib/pgsql/data
/var/lib/pulp /var/lib/qpidd /var/lib/tftpboot /etc /root/ssl-build
/var/www/html/pub /opt/puppetlabs
480G /var/lib/mongodb
100G /var/lib/pulp
37M /etc
900K /root/ssl-build
100K /var/www/html/pub
2M /opt/puppetlabs
681G total
The size of the files in this example is 681 GB.
- Calculate the space required
to store the compressed data using the above result:
- Calculate the amount of
additional free space required:
The additional space required is 20% of the sum of
compressed and uncompressed files. So, the additional space required is 178 GB
in this example.
- Calculate the sum of the
above results.
In this example,
Uncompressed size = 861 GB
Compressed size = 180 GB
Additional free space required = 172 GB
Sum = 1033 GB
The estimated size of the backup in this example is
1033 GB.
Performing a Full Backup Offline
Perform a
full backup using the offline method. The backup process takes a long time to
complete and the Satellite is unavailable during the process.
- The backup location has
enough free disk space to store the backup.
- The postgres user has write permission
to the backup directory.
- Run the foreman-maintain backup script:
# foreman-maintain backup offline
- Enter y when prompted
to start the backup:
Do you want to proceed?, [y(yes), q(quit)] y
The backup process takes a long time to complete.
Performing a Full Backup Online
To debug
and troubleshoot issues, perform a full backup using the online method.
Satellite remains available during the process.
To ensure
a successful backup, do not perform the following operations until the backup
is complete:
- Publish, add, or delete
content views
- Promote content view
- Add, change, or delete
- Add, delete, or sync
backup process takes a long time to complete.
- The backup location has
enough free disk space to store the backup.
- The postgres user has write permission
to the backup directory.
- Run the foreman-maintain backup script:
# foreman-maintain backup online
- Enter y when prompted
to start the backup:
Do you want to proceed?, [y(yes), q(quit)] y
The backup process takes a long time to complete.
Incremental Backup
incremental backup contains the changes that occurred in the database and
configuration files since a previously performed backup.
The first
incremental backup is based on a full backup and any following incremental
backups are based on previous ones. To restore Satellite using incremental
backups, all the incremental backups and the first full backup are required.
Performing an Incremental Backup Offline
an incremental backup using the offline method. Satellite is unavailable during
the process.
- You have a previous backup
available to use as a base for the incremental backup.
- The postgres user has write permission
to the backup directory.
- Run the foreman-maintain backup script:
# foreman-maintain backup offline --incremental
/var/backup_dir/previous_backup_dir /var/backup_dir
Replace the previous_backup_dir with the
name of the previous backup that you are using as a base for the incremental
- Enter y when prompted
to start the backup:
Do you want to proceed?, [y(yes), q(quit)] y
Performing an Incremental Backup Online
To debug
and troubleshoot issues, perform an incremental backup using the online method.
Satellite remains available during the process.
To ensure
a successful backup, do not perform the following operations until the backup
is complete:
- Publish, add, or delete
content views
- Promote content view
- Add, change, or delete
- Add, delete, or sync
- You have a previous backup
available to use as a base for the incremental backup.
- The postgres user has write permission
to the backup directory.
- Run the foreman-maintain backup script:
# foreman-maintain backup online --incremental
/var/backup_dir/previous_backup_dir /var/backup_dir
Replace the previous_backup_dir with the
name of the previous backup that you are using as a base for the incremental
- Enter y when prompted
to start the backup:
Do you want to proceed?, [y(yes), q(quit)] y
Backup Without Pulp Content
A backup
without Pulp content excludes the repository information of Satellite or
Capsule Server. Backing up repository information contained in the Pulp
database is the most time intensive part of the Satellite backup process. You
can skip backing up the Pulp database with the option --skip-pulp-content. This excludes backing up the /var/lib/pulp directory.
cannot restore from a backup without Pulp content.
Performing a Backup Without Pulp Content Offline
To debug
and troubleshoot issues, perform a backup without Pulp content using the
offline method. Satellite is unavailable during the process.
- Run the foreman-maintain backup script:
# foreman-maintain backup offline
--skip-pulp-content /var/backup_directory
- Enter y when prompted
to start the backup:
Do you want to proceed?, [y(yes), q(quit)] y
You can
copy the contents of /var/lib/pulp using methods such as rsync or shared storage.
Performing a Backup Without Pulp Content Online
To debug
and troubleshoot issues, perform a backup without Pulp content using the online
method. Satellite remains available during the process.
- Run the foreman-maintain backup script:
# foreman-maintain backup online
--skip-pulp-content /var/backup_directory
- Enter y when prompted
to start the backup:
Do you want to proceed?, [y(yes), q(quit)] y
You can
copy the contents of /var/lib/pulp using methods such as rsync or shared storage.
snapshot backup method creates Logical Volume Manager (LVM) snapshots of Pulp,
MongoDB and PostgreSQL databases and mounts the snapshots on a separate Logical
Volume (LV).
The foreman-maintain backup utility creates snapshots when
Satellite services are active, and stops only those services that impact the
backup. Satellite or Capsule is unavailable only when the snapshot is created.
After a successful backup, all the services are restarted and the LVM snapshots
are removed. Performing a snapshot backup takes less time than performing a
full backup offline, and reduces the Satellite or Capsule downtime.
8.5.1. Performing a Snapshot Backup
Perform a
backup using the snapshot method. Satellite is unavailable when the LVM
snapshot is created.
- The system uses LVM for the
following directories:
- /var/lib/pulp/
- /var/lib/mongodb/
- /var/lib/pgsql/
- The free disk space in the
relevant volume group (VG) is three times the size of the snapshot. More
precisely, the VG must have enough space unreserved by the member logical
volumes (LVs) to accommodate new snapshots. In addition, one of the LVs
must have enough free space for the backup directory.
- The target backup directory
is on a different LV than the directories that you snapshot.
- Run the foreman-maintain backup script:
# foreman-maintain backup snapshot /var/backup_directory
- Enter y when prompted
to start the backup:
Do you want to proceed?, [y(yes), q(quit)] y
Restoring from a Full Backup
Use this procedure to restore Red Hat Satellite or Capsule Server from a full backup. When the restore process completes, all processes are online, and all databases and system configuration revert to the state at the time of the backup.
- Ensure that you are restoring to the correct instance. The Red Hat Satellite instance must have the same host name, configuration, and be the same major version as the original system.
- Ensure that you have an existing target directory. The target directory is read from the configuration files contained within the archive.
Ensure that you have enough space to store this
data on the base system of Satellite Server or Capsule Server as well as enough
space after the restoration to contain all the data in the
and /var/
directories contained within the backup.
To check the space used by a
directory, enter the following command:
# du -sh/var/backup_directory
To check for free space, enter the
following command:
# df -h /var/backup_directory
Add the
option to get a total of the
results from more than one directory.
Ensure that all SELinux contexts are correct.
Enter the following command to restore the correct SELinux contexts:
# restorecon -Rnv /
the appropriate method to install Satellite or Capsule:
- Copy
the backup data to Satellite Server’s local file system. Use
3. Run
the restoration script.
# foreman-maintain restore /var/backup_directory
Where backup_directory is the
time-stamped directory or subdirectory containing the backed-up data.
The restore process can take a long
time to complete, because of the amount of data to copy.
Additional Resources
- For
troubleshooting, you can check
Restoring from Incremental Backups
Use this procedure to restore Satellite or Capsule Server from incremental backups. If you have multiple branches of incremental backups, select your full backup and each incremental backup for the “branch” you want to restore, in chronological order.When the restore process completes, all processes are online, and all databases and system configuration revert to the state at the time of the backup.
- Restore the last full backup using the previous instructions
- Remove
the full backup data from Satellite Server’s local file system, for
. - Copy
the incremental backup data to Satellite Server’s local file system, for
the incremental backups in the same sequence that they are made:
5. # foreman-maintain restore -i/var/backup_directory/FIRST_INCREMENTAL
# foreman-maintain restore -i/var/backup_directory/SECOND_INCREMENTAL
If you created the backup using the
foreman-maintain backup
command, you do not need to use -i
option in the command.
Additional Resources
- For
troubleshooting, you can check
Backup and Restore Capsule Server Using a Virtual Machine Snapshot
If your Capsule Server is a virtual machine, you can restore it from a snapshot. Creating weekly snapshots to restore from is recommended. In the event of failure, you can install, or configure a new Capsule Server, and then synchronize the database content from Satellite Server.
If required, deploy a new Capsule Server,
ensuring the host name is the same as before, and then install the Capsule
certificates. You may still have them on Satellite Server, the package name
ends in -certs.tar, alternately create new ones. Follow the procedures in Installing
Capsule Server until you can confirm, in the web UI, that Capsule Server is
connected to Satellite Server. Then use the procedure to synchronize from
Hi Vallabh Darole,
ReplyDeleteThis document and videos are very helpful, but i have a doubt about the "Create Red Hat Content Delivery Network Channels". is this same as like as capsule server?.
what is the purpose of Content Delivery Network Channels?. can you please advise on this?
If there is no internet connectivity to your redhat satellite. In this case you need to create local repository by using Satellite Content ISOs images from redhat portal and connect the repository to your redhat satellite using CDN URL.
DeleteSatellite Content ISOs are used to populate a Satellite that is not connected to the internet with Red Hat products
• Base Satellite Content ISOs: Download Base Satellite Content ISOs to initially populate a new Satellite with repository content.
• Incremental Satellite Content ISOs: Download Incremental Satellite Content ISOs if you want to update ISOs that you have already imported into your Satellite.
Hello Vaibhav It would be the fantastic documents of RED HAT Satellite. THANKS buddy.
DeleteI unable to view my client server in capsule , kindly help me on this
ReplyDeleteYou cannot see clients in capsule, all the clients are only visible in Satellite. (What I had seen till now)
DeleteCapsule is only for connectivity between clients and satellite
Capsule decrease the load on the Satellite, increase redundancy, and reduce bandwidth usage
Mr. Vallabh, I cannot fully express how much joy your post done for my heart lol. I will start of by saying i have zero knowledge of satellite functionality. All i know is run yum install < package name>. I also know the why to use Yum vs. rpm. That is it. Crazily i got a new job i was hired to do basic Linux systems admin work such as managing users and package installations . NOPE--soon as i sign the contract they now want me to build the world. lol. This is serious don't mind me laughing. I have been stress for nearly a month now and continue to stress. Why stress? They asked me to build a satellite 6 server in a disconnected environment (no internet) . They have senior level Linux engineers and none want to have anything to do with this. No one respond to my questions. The one and only answer i was lucky yo have is **young man we do not know anything about this** Zero documentations of course. My God i can't sleep, reading, researching, they keep asking me for updates every day. My God. I like to challenge myself but this one is at my neck. Enough with my ranting.
ReplyDeleteBut i want to say that my worries and stress just reduced by 70% when i stumbled over your post today. I have read this piece on the connected type like 4 times and i can tell you i have so much confident now that with little more work i will get this task done and i will be the new HERO at my new job.
I have only one request. Can you send me steps to do satellite build from start to finish for the satellite server that is NOT connected to internet? I'm particularly confused about how many Content ISO i need for such satellite build. I looked at the instructions from Red Hat Customer portal and i see about 37 Disc files under my organization's subscription. Each one is like 4.6GB. Do i need to download all of them or just pic one of them.
My email is I will also check here later just in case you post the steps here as you did for the connected one . I will not only look into this but will surely read all your other interview sections for the different Linux topics. Thanks for changing lives and may God protect and continue to favor you and your love ones
Stay blessed
yes you need to download all iso images and create the content servers
ReplyDeletehello can you help me about redhat satellite?
ReplyDeleteCan you please let me know issue ?
ReplyDeleteCan you provide me these files iso?
ReplyDeleteI can't find it anywhere
Below are ISO which we are going to use for creating CDN.
Now we will create new repository with name optrpms.
you can get all the iso images from redhat portal.
Hi Vallabh,
DeleteGreat content, I really appreciate your efforts for this.
Can you please provide me capsule server ISO files?
Hi Bro,
ReplyDeleteNice information. i have one basic doubt in this configuration,
sat01 server is used for satellite server configuration.
why "cdn01" server is used for?
pleasee clear my doubt.
if you want to create new repository which not available on internet then you need to download the packages on server and create repository on local server and add to satellite server.
DeleteHello, Thank you for all the documentation, My question for you is How I can create an organization in Redhat Satellite.